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"The HUB" Vol. XXIX, No.4
Bimonthly newsletter of July - August 2008


Hub Editor: Bonnie Crytzer at

Saturday, August 3, 2008, from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sue and Larry Spencer's Cottage in the Woods

July Program

The July meeting will be at Kindred Spirits. The Fourth of July weekend may cause a problem so we decided at our April meeting to have a knit get together at Sue's shop. Sue's shop is in the downtown area of Franklin.

August Program

The August meeting will be a picnic at Sue and Larry Spencer's cottage in the woods. Please bring a covered dish to share with everyone. If you would like to spin, bring your wheel and join in the fun. Sue has a pond if you would like to swim. It is always a fun-filled day. Bring your family and friends. Officers will meet at 9:30am for business meeting and to organize. The program following this meeting will be “A Surprise”.

 DIRECTIONS: Contact Sue at 

Chinese Auction at the Picnic!

Clean out your stash and bring your unwanted treasures to the picnic at Sue Spencer’s house. To raise money to go towards workshops, etc, we are planning on having a Chinese auction. Five tickets for a dollar then put your tickets in the cup near the stuff that you want to win. Check out your stuff, see what you can part with, and then take a chance to win something to fill that empty space. It should be a lot of fun! Questions? Contact Bonnie Crytzer at

Calendar of Events

July 5th - NPSWG Program Meeting at Kindred Spirits

July 15th - NPSWG Tuesday Spinning at Christ Church 2:00p.m.

August 3rd - NPSWG Business/Program Meeting at our “Picnic in the Woods”

August 19th  - NPSWG Tuesday Spinning at Crawford County Fair, Home Ec. bldg 2:00p.m.

Minutes of the June 2008 NPSWG Meeting

President Joanna McDermot called the meeting to order. The minutes of the April meeting were approved. Bonnie Crytzer gave the Treasurer’s Report: operating funds, $3059.38; Helen McCartney Scholarship Fund, $1563.90. 

Bonnie provided information about a Titusville program and about an appeal to raise funds for Navajo who raise Churro sheep; she suggested that the sheep project might be a good choice for our Christmas charity.

Joanna welcomed new guest Cheryl Sluder. Joanna then announced the candidates for elected Guild offices: President, Karen Fry; Program Chair, Bonnie Crytzer; Treasurer, Bonnie Orr; Secretary, Ann Sheffield. The slate was elected as a group. Jim Crytzer said that he would like to step down as Hub editor;Bonnie Orr generously volunteered her husband John, who remained ambivalent about the idea at the close of the meeting. Joanna reminded everyone to submit Hub materials in printready
form; it is not the editor’s job to type or compose text.

Bonnie Orr apologized to anyone she may have offended at the Northwest Wool Growers by an  offhand comment about fleeces; she clarified that she meant only that there were no fleeces from
unusual breeds. She also brought up the idea of collaborating with other guilds to add different fiber animals (alpaca, rabbits, etc.) at the annual Wool Growers event (the Wool Growers themselves are restricted to sheep according to their charter). Billie Bookamer is pursuing a possible collaboration. Bonnie added that she will be getting a lamb soon from her usual Ohio breeder and that anyone interested in one of his fleeces should talk to her.

Upcoming demonstrations were announced:

  1. Erie Festival of the Arts, Bayfront Park, Erie, Saturday June 28. Karen Fry has details.
  2. Waterford Heritage Days, Saturday July 19. We will be on the corner across from the hotel, next to the cannon.
  3.  Baldwin-Reynolds House in Meadville, Saturday August 9. We should start demonstrating by 11 a.m. but can arrive earlier.
  4. Civil War reenactment in McKean, August 16-17. We will be paid $100 for demonstrating all day on Saturday starting at 9 a.m. If at least three people demonstrate on Sunday, we will get an additional $50; Barb Lodge and Elaine Fertig said that they could demonstrate on Sunday.
  5. Crawford County Fair, Tuesday, August 19. We are listed in the fair book for 1:30 p.m. but can start earlier. We will be in the Home Ec. Building. 

Joanna reminded everyone that our July “off-meeting” on July 5 will be at Kindred Spirits Yarn Studio in Franklin. The August meeting will be a pot-luck picnic at Sue Spencer’s home in The
Woods. Bring finished bags from the Guild challenge to the August meeting and we will vote on the winner! We will also have a Chinese auction. Family and friends are welcome at the picnic.

Elaine highly recommended the Coverlet Museum to anyone visiting the Bedford area (

Show and Tell.  

Ruth's dog

Ruth Walker-Daniels introduced her cute new dog, C.P.  Ruth adopted her last December. 

Knitpick sox

Elaine showed socks knit from an inexpensive, washable merino/nylon blend from
Knit Picks. 

BlUe Shawl

Janet Smouse had knit a beautiful blue shawl. 

Joanna confessed her frustration with a knitting pattern that she can’t get to work out and said that she has temporarily resortedto a crochet project instead.

Felted Breakfast

Bob Stine showed a needle-felted skillet complete with felted bacon and eggs. 

Cheryl Sluder introduced herself and said that she is raising Jacob sheep.  

Bonnie Orr showed a lock from an 18 ½-lb fleece grown in one year by one of her sheep. 

Donna Long, our new equipment keeper, asked if we should consider renting out the big triangle loom (consensus answer: not at this point, but we can reconsider later). She mentioned that she has been learning to use the loom from a video that has been very helpful. 

Chris McCormick had roving from her sheep for sale – she is scaling back due to  health problems and will also be selling her Louet drum carder and wheel. 

Barb Lodge showed ribbon necklaces made by Janet and then some felt balls made by Barb herself from her early spinning efforts – she winds lengths of the lumpy yarn into balls, ties them into old panty hose, and machine-washes them in hot water to produce felt balls that are useful to use as cores
in ball-winding. Janet added that they make excellent pin cushions, also.



Can you believe it - that two years have whizzed by since I took my turn as your president? I can only say a loud "thank you" to all of you for your spirit and cooperation - and for putting up with my wooden gavel! I think we have had two good years, mainly because of the work of others -- all the other officers and all the members who are always ready to lend a hand.

Now we look forward to the next two years with the new officers you have chosen. All I needed to do was tell you what offices needed to be filled, and candidates came right forward to volunteer. You made my job very easy.

Our new officers will be facing some challenges, not only in keeping all our programs healthy, but we seem to be facing the problem of a home for our meetings - again! So I know we will all be ready to go on supporting our guild and our officers. We've found solutions to problems before and can do it again. 

Meanwhile let's all look forward to our August meeting at The Woods. I will hand over my dreaded gavel to Karen, and we can begin to brainstorm ideas for our future meeting place. The Woods is always a great experience.

 I'll see you all in August
Joanna McDermot
Soon to be former president

I wasn't sure when the next newsletter comes out, but will go ahead and let you know about a couple events in Meadville that would like to have spinners spin. The first is "Rural Heritage Day" August 9 at the Baldwin Reynolds House for a special event and the other is for the Crawford County Fair, at the Home Economics Bldg. on Tues afternoon, August 19,

Thanks, Elaine

It has been my pleasure being your Hub Editor for the past five years. Thank you for all the support necessary to publish an informative newsletter. My final words of wisdom follow:

To the powerful women in my life -
Keep the faith!!!
Live your life in such a way that when
your feet hit the floor in the
morning, Satan shudders & says...
'Oh sh#*...she's awake!!

Bonnie and the Hub Staff

“From Gary Kline to the NWPSWG. Thank you for the use of our facilities for your group’s activities. We take the ministry of hospitality seriously and hope that your time here will be pleasant. We will gratefully accept your donation of $500.00 for the year 2009.”

This was in my mail yesterday. We will discuss this at the August meeting. Please check around and have some options to bring up and places to look into or check them out and bring your input into a new site. Consider meetings and storage.


Classified Section

I have White or Grey or Brown one pound Roving Balls for $22 This wool is a mix of Romney, Merino, and Arcot Chris McCormick 814-332-0335.

A friend of mine is downsizing and has some items for sale. Thought someone in the guild might be interested. Below is the information, if interested or want more information let me knowand I will give you contact information.  

Sharon Reiland

  1. Spinning Wheel: Ashford Joy-Single Treadle $350.00
  2. Drum Carder-Clemes and Clemes $300.00(this may already be sold)
  3. Floor Loom: Leclerc Nilus-6 treadles-4 shafts 45" Jack and warping board $900.00
  4. Floor Loom: Old, from England made of Norweign Pine 4 shafts 6 treadles, extra reeds, replaced metal heddles $300.00
  5. Antique Skein Winder $150.00
  6. Inkle Loom hand made in England $50.00

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