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Bimonthly newsletter of
    Hub Editor:  Susan Olive           

Calendar of Events

August 19, 2014 10 AM - 2 PM Joyous Hands Spin-in at Crawford County Fairgounds, Meadville PA.
Sept. 6, 2014 9 AM - 5 PM Guild Meeting and Spinning & Weaving demonstration at Highland Games, Edinboro PA.
Sept. 16, 2014 10 AM - 2 PM Joyous Hands Spin-in at Christ Episcopal Church, Meadville PA.
Oct. 4, 2014 10 AM - 2 PM Guild meeting at Christ Episcopal Church, Meadville PA.
Oct. 21, 2014 10 AM - 2 PM Joyous Hands Spin-in at Christ Episcopal Church, Meadville PA.
Nov. 1, 2014 10 AM - 2 PM Guild meeting at Christ Episcopal Church, Meadville PA.
Nov. 18, 2014 10 AM - 2 PM Joyous Hands Spin-in at Christ Episcopal Church, Meadville PA.
Dec. 6, 2014 10 AM - 2 PM Guild meeting at Christ Episcopal Church, Meadville PA.
Dec. 16, 2014 10 AM - 2 PM Joyous Hands Spin-in at Christ Episcopal Church, Meadville PA.
Jan. 20, 2015 10 AM - 2 PM Tentative Joyous Hands Spin-in at Christ Episcopal Church, Meadville PA.
Feb. 7, 2015 10 AM - 2 PM Guild meeting at Christ Episcopal Church, Meadville PA.

September 6 Program

We will demonstrate spinning and weaving at the Highland Games at Edinboro University, Edinboro PA. Bring a chair. Set up begins at 9 AM; a tent will be provided. In the event of very poor weather, we may be moved to the adjacent campus center. Our new guild banner and aprons will ready and available for sale @ $20 each.

October 4 Program

Jenn Phillips and her mother, new guild member Judy Drake, will present a "learn to tat" hands-on program. Judy uses a traditional shuttle, while Jenn uses a tatting needle. We'll divide up into two groups and rotate between the styles, so everyone will have the opportunity to learn and practice both methods. Materials will be provided, but if you have a tatting shuttle or needle and some crochet thread, bring that along.

November 1 Program

Mable Cable will present a slide show of a shibori dye workshop and museum she visited during a trip to Japan earlier this year.

December 6 Program

Traditional Holiday celebration. Details TBA. There is no meeting in January 2015.

February 7 Program

Judy Hanninen will conduct a hands-on program for beginning weavers. Details TBA.

Minutes of the July 2014 Meeting

The meeting was called to order, the minutes of the June meeting were approved and the treasurer's report was presented and approved.

Old Business:  The Tuesday Spin at Bits N Pieces went well with five guild members and a guest present. Roz updated us that there is no pavilion available on Presque Isle for our picnic in August and that we have not been able to make contact with the backstrap weavers. Contingency plans were discussed.
New Business:
Karen Fry updated us with the details of her research into banners, flags and aprons printed or embroidered with our name and logo. After much discussion on the items, sizes, colors and layouts that would best meet our needs, it was moved
and approved that Karen be authorized to purchase a 12-inch by 8-foot banner. The purchase of 20 large denim aprons was also approved.
Elaine Fertig updated us on the planning done so far for a 35th anniversary celebration. She and Karen Fry have prepared and submitted a grant proposal to bring in a presenter for a two-day event next July that will be open to other guilds. Because of requirements for submitting the grant, they had to identify the presenter ahead of time, and they chose Patsy Zawitoski (“Patsy Z”) for her breadth of knowledge and friendly teaching style. A motion to approve Patsy as our presenter and to retain her services was passed.
Because we have so many events planned for the remainder of this year that we will not be able to do a Dye Day at the usual time, we discussed the possibility of doing a smaller dye activity at some other point.
Show & Tell:Mabel Cable has learned to needle tat, and she showed several beautiful snowflake-like doilies she made in white crochet thread. She is now trying shuttle tatting. Her mother reportedly made tatted lace “by the yard.” Jen Phillips showed a very warm looking lace wrap she crocheted from her own handspun chocolate Leicester Longwool. She thinks she may enter this piece in the Crawford county Fair. Lois Crozier showed felted beads she made out of Alpaca fiber, some of which she made into a keychain. Caitlyn Johns showed an “anything-everything” she made of braided and re-braided yarn primarily to use as a headband or necklace. Elaine Fertig showed a small wrap she is knitting to donate for the hospital to use for unfortunate infants. Elaine also updated us that there is a fiber art exhibit in the framing shop in Cambridge Springs. Sindi Collard showed a heavier weight two-color poncho she is making without fringe. She is also making a lighter weight purple one with fringe. Karen Fry finished the handspun wool and alpaca flip-top mittens for her sister, and she plans to enter them in the fair.

Respectfully submitted,
Marje Koehlert, Secretary

Classified Ads

Woad & Alkanet Dye Plants For Sale:&nbspemail Sue at for more info
Loom for Sale: Ultex Floor Weaving Loom. 8 harness, 10 Treadles. Extra Heddles, extra shuttles, 2 reeds, books, yarns, and video. Asking $1500 for everything. Thank you.

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