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Bimonthly newsletter of
    Hub Editor:  Karen Fry   


Calendar of Events

Feb. 1, 201410 AM - 2 PM Guild Meeting at Christ Church, Meadville PA

Program for February 1, 2014

For our February program, Judy Hanninen will conduct a workshop on core ply spinning. She will have kits available to purchase for $20.00 containing enough core yarn and fiber to make a hat or scarf. She would like to know how many kits she needs to make, so please contact her by phone to 814-425-2784, or by email to if you would like one. You may bring your own materials, but for best results, please follow these recommendations: The core yarn may be commercial or handspun but needs to be made from natural fibers. Acrylic, cotton and angora rabbit do not work well, so choose mohair, wool, alpaca, llama, etc. - something with some tooth for the fiber to grab on to. The wrapping fiber should also be wool, mohair, llama, or alpaca roving. This is a good technique for beginning spinners as well as those who are more advanced. Bring your spinning wheels and learn to create this type of unique yarn.

Minutes of the November 2013 Meeting

Old Business: Sharon Hoban called the meeting to order. The July, August and September minutes were available and were approved. Barb Lodge gave the treasurer’s report. The flowers we ordered for Bonnie Crytzer’s funeral never came, so it was decided to make a $100 memorial donation toward fighting Multiple Sclerosis. We were updated that the Edinboro Highland Games was a successful event in spite of an undesirable tent site. The guild shawl and a number of items from various members were sold, and many in the crowd stopped to watch our demonstrations and ask questions. It was decided that we continue our annual tradition of buying a sheep for a needy family in the developing world through Heifer International. It was also decided that we should continue our membership in the Mid-Atlantic Fiber Association (MAFA). It was announced that we are in need of someone willing to be the second signer for our bank account; Karen Fry volunteered.
New Business: A new member, Karen Shelhammer was introduced, and so were two visitors, Monica Rex and Barb Sundburg from Erie County. Monica’s daughter, a veterinarian working in Scotland has a friend who recently gave Monica a large bag of clean, carded Blue Face Leicester wool that she would like either to have spun or to learn to spin. We were updated that the Market House is looking to hire a coordinator for Second Saturdays. Sharon noted that there has been interest in a presentation on sectional warping if anyone is willing to present or knows someone who would be. There was discussion of what we can do in honor of Bonnie Crytzer since she and Jim never used the Camp Stone money ear-marked for them to attend a class or conference. Many ideas were suggested, including: sponsoring a trip to the Textile Art Alliance or Maryland Sheep and Wool Show, making a larger donation to Heifer International or to 4-H to encourage the raising of wool-breed sheep, adding to the scholarship fund, funding a prize in her honor at the Farm Show or Fair, or purchasing a new loom in her honor as the “Bonnie Loom.” No final decision was made, and the discussion was tabled until the December meeting. Sharon noted that it is time to have a Nominating Committee to select a new slate of officers, and Roz Macken volunteered. There was discussion on whether the guild should buy a tent for use at events where we are demonstrating. It was agreed that Karen Fry would gather information for further discussion at our next meeting. The need for a permanent banner and/or was also discussed. It was decided that our December meeting will be at Chovy’s restaurant at 11 a.m., assuming we are able to get a reservation. Everyone planning to attend must let Sharon Hoban know by November 22 so that she can give an accurate count for seating. The Joyous Hands Tuesday Spin will be suspended for the winter and that this will be noted on our web site.
Show and Tell: Cate John’s showed the scarf she made in a purple chevron pattern with a twisted fringe from the ikat warp we did on dye day. Janet Smouse showed crocheted potholders she made that resembled angels or doll dresses. She also showed dolls she made, each from a single piece of double woven fabric with unspun locks for hair. Karen Fry updated us that she has a new address and that Laura is due in one month. Marje Koehlert showed a pair of mitten-gloves she spun and dyed for the friend who gave her the alpaca fleeces. She also showed an inkle band she is making in a pick-up pattern and two colors of cotton bolls grown in her mother’s garden, along with a spun sample of fine white yarn from them. Sharon Hoban shared that she is still felting, as well as selling her items at @ the Bank. Roz Macken showed her finished ikat scarf with a chevron and arc pattern in a deep red-purple color. Mabel Cable explained that she is just back from a trip to Kyoto, Japan where she visited the Shibori Museum. When one of the staff saw her examining a display of different ways to prepare the fabric and found out she was familiar with them, he offered her a job! Thankfully Mabel is still with us, and she passed literature with photos of some of the displays, as well as a “modern shibori” necklace she was able to purchase. She states that she was able to afford the necklace, unlike a $50,000 kimono they had for sale that required a year and a half of fabric knotting prior to being dyed.
Respectfully submitted,
Marje Koehlert, Secretary

There was no meeting in October 2013

Minutes of the September 2013 Meeting

Old Business: Sharon Hoban called the meeting to order. The minutes were not available due to an unavoidable delay in the Hub, but they will be available for review when the Hub comes out. Health updates were given for several members. Barb Lodge gave the treasurer’s report.
New Business: Three visitors who learned of our guild through our participation in the Crawford County Fair were introduced. Roz Macken updated us that Interweave Press is having a sale on books, videos and instant downloads. Photos were passed of a mangle that Sigrid Piroch is trying to sell on Ebay. She also has a New Zealand loom for sale. Several upcoming events were announced:
  • Sue Veverka will be having Open Farm Days in September
  • Finger Lakes Fiber Festival in Hemlock, NY is September 22
  • Penn’s Colony in Saxonburg, PA is September 21, 22, 28 and 29
  • Western New York Fiber Arts Festival in South Wales, NY is September 28
Show and Tell: Roz Macken brought a weaving she is doing on a compact disc. She passed around the article that inspired the weaving, and she also made extra CDs available for others to try. Barb Lodge showed a pink scarf with chevron designs and a twisted fringe that she wove from the warp made at last month’s dye day. Caitlyn Johns described how to make a yarn bow. Ellie Leveto showed a recently purchased Cricket rigid heddle loom she is trying to learn to use. Marje Koehlert showed a purple scarf with flower-like patterns woven on one of the guild’s table looms from the warp she dyed on dye day.
Respectfully submitted,
Marje Koehlert, Secretary

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