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"The HUB" Vol. XXXII, No.3
Bimonthly newsletter of May - June 2011


Hub Editor: Bonnie Crytzer at

May & June Programs

May and June meetings:  Preparing for Camp Stone:  Please bring your collection of drop spindles and an inkle loom.  Those that know how will be teaching those who want to learn, or practice on what they already know.  This is a good chance for beginners, even if they will not be available for Camp Stone.  Hope to see you there.

Words from the President

Spring is coming, although I know it doesn't feel that way.  My daffodils, crocus, and primroses are in bloom, so it must be so!   I think we'll all have to agree it has certainly been a very long winter.

As I have previously explained, we have had three of our members step forward and commit to lead the three areas (dyeing, spinning, and weaving) where we will be sharing our skills and knowledge at Camp Stone this summer.  It has been determined that we will he helping the children make a woven band to keep together their chess board and box of Medieval chess pieces, that they will also be making at camp.  We have decided it will be best to make these bands with inkle looms, as well as whatever other looms are available.  Please give some thought and consideration as to how you can contribute to this guild it a few days or a single day at the camp in one of these areas.  We would also appreciate any input you have.

I think we will all share a great feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that our guild was able to impact this many children and maybe inspire or create a spark in some of these young people to carry on the wonderful crafts we so enjoy.   
Looking forward to seeing you at the May meeting.  Think spring!!!

Calendar of Events

May 7th NPSWG Program Meeting at Christ Church

May 14th Meadville Market House Spinning & Weaving Demo 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.

May 17th NPSWG Tuesday Spinning at Christ Church 2:00p.m.

June 4th NPSWG Business/Program Meeting at Christ Church

June 21st NPSWG Tuesday Spinning at Christ Church 2:00p.m.

July 16th Waterford Heritage Days Spinning & Weaving Demo 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.

July 23rd Edinboro Highland Games Spinning & Weaving Demo Cancelled for this year

August 24th Crawford County Fair Spinning Demo at Home Ec. Bldg.  Time TBA

Minutes of the NPSWG

 Minutes of the November 2010 NPSWG Meeting 

Old Business:  Although this is not a normal business meeting month, Karen Fry called the meeting to order to deal with a few matters that were missed earlier in the year.  In particular, no official election had taken place.  It was agreed that there were enough people present for a quorum.

New Business:  Karen clarified those nominated for office as Sharon Hoban, nominated for President, Linda Durnye nominated for Vice President, Sindi Collard and Elaine Fertig nominated to share the role of Program Chair, Marje Koehlert nominated for Secretary and Sue Spenser to remain as Treasurer.  Roz Macken moved to elect this slate of officers, and Sindi Collard seconded.  The motion carried. 

There was discussion about how to handle the treadle sewing machine donated by Sindi.  The machine is fully functional, included numerous attachments, and has a decorative wooden table and top.  It was decided that Barb Lodge would act as auctioneer.  Elaine Fertig was the enthusiastic highest bidder. 

Show and Tell: Karen showed weaving samples from her visit to the Textile Museum in Washington DC.  Elaine showed a hand knit, cabled hat for next month, and encouraged those present to bring a hat to donate next month.  Bonnie Crytzer will collect the donations.  Marje showed a fair-isle hat made of several hand-spun yarns.  Roz announced that Bob Stein had won Best of Show for a needle felted project. Karen donated a book on loom construction to the library.  Judy Hanninen showed a sturdy quilted bag made by Dave Bell.  The bag has pockets and is available for sale in several sheep related patterns.  Judy also updated us that both Dave Bell and Sigrid Piroch are experiencing significant health problems.

Respectfully submitted,
Marje Koehlert, Secretary

Minutes of the December 2010 NPSWG Meeting 

Old Business: Sharon Hoban called the meeting to order, and Marje Koehlert read the minutes from the November meeting.  Sue Spencer updated us that Dave Bell passed away on October 21.  Sharon updated us that Sigrid Piroch had emailed that she is making slow progress toward health.  A get well card was passed for her, and another card was passed for Ruth Walker-Daniels.  An announcement was made that the Eastern Great Lakes Fiber Conference will be October 7-10 in Chautauqua, NY.

Sue Spencer gave the Treasurer’s Report: the checking balance is $1328.94, and the savings balance is $2820, of which $1588 is designated for the Helen McCartney Scholarship fund. Barb Lodge asked that someone else take over as guild hostess, as she has been doing it for approximately 20 years.  The responsibilities of the hostess include keeping the key, getting to meetings early enough to unlock the doors and make coffee, and keeping the Cookie Sign-up sheet.  No volunteers were available at today’s meeting. 

New Business: The membership directory and cards were discussed because they have not been updated in some time.  Jim Crytzer volunteered to make the cards.  Those wishing to be represented in the directory should turn in their guild dues by the March meeting.  An announcement was made that Handwoven has just started a new e-magazine called SpinKnit!  The first issue features colorful Andean knitting and spinning.  The winter meeting schedule was discussed.  As decided last year, there will be no meeting in January.  For the February meeting we will meet at @ the Bank on Park Avenue, where Nancy Asmus will be discussing her fabric applique techniques.  Parking is available across the street.  Sharon Hoban has made contact with several of the people who have managed the web-site in the past and is trying to get it back on track.  Roz Macken announced that Ruth Walker-Daniels has donated three books to the library in memory of former guild members: “Weaver’s Idea Book” in memory of Eileen, “Beaded Embellishment” in memory of Helen Hansen, and “Book of Yarn” in memory of Virginia Hansen.  These books should be available at the next meeting.  Anyone willing to take over the role of membership coordinator is encouraged to express interest to Sharon Hoban.  Elaine Fertig would also like to know if anyone has ideas for this year’s Dye Day.  Bonnie Crytzer announced that the Tuesday Spin will be canceled for Christmas week.  Sue Spenser noted that Taryn Barnett had an open house last night featuring a book signing by Jerri Walford, a member of the Wooly Wonders Guild, who recently published “30 Knitted Globes for Christmas.”  Sue also announced that Linda Gross from the Butler Guild has invited other guilds to celebrate St. Distaff’s Day, a spinner’s gathering and potluck on January 8 from 10 to 2 at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Worthington (Butler).  Elaine Fertig announced that Wednesday will be our demonstration day at the Crawford County Fair again this year, and encouraged those who raise wool to enter good hand-spinning fleeces, as the fleeces last year left much to be desired.  Roz proposed that there be a separate sign up for those wishing to have their fleeces judged for hand spinning qualities, and Sue Spencer agreed to speak to Rob Brown about that. 

Show and Tell: Marje Koehlert showed a skein of wool plied in three slightly different natural colors, the first spun on her new wheel.  Karen Fry showed a pair of colorful socks hand knit on a tiny circular needle.  The socks were not passed, as they were currently being worn!  Sharon Hoban passed woven bookmarks made on an inkle loom as part of a Chautauqua guild project.  She also showed four felted purses – two with bobble flaps, one in beautiful fall colors with a gold leaf accent, and one made from six skeins that could be used as a laptop carrier.  Carol Voisin showed a beaded macramé necklace, designed to match her outfit.  Bonnie Crytzer showed origami samples of a Crane and a three-dimensional Star Ornament, and then passed paper and instructions for a mini-program prior to our Christmas meal and gift exchange.

Respectfully submitted,
Marje Koehlert, Secretary

Minutes of the February 2011 NPSWG Meeting

Old Business: Sharon Hoban called the meeting to order.  The minutes from the December 2010 meeting were read and approved.  There was discussion on the difficulties we have had recently in getting all needed information into the newsletter and getting it distributed to guild members.  Andy Cooley volunteered to try putting out the next newsletter.  The matter of the need for a new guild hostess came up, and a suggestion was made that the responsibilities of hostess rotate so that the people responsible for bringing cookies each month also take responsibility for setting up coffee. This met with general approval.  There is still a need for someone who can be counted on to unlock the church before each meeting.  After this discussion, the Cookie/Hostess sheet was passed for volunteers to sign up.  Sharon read the Treasurer’s Report: the checking balance is $1548.94 and the savings balance is $2999.41, of which $1588 is designated for the Helen McCartney fund.  The subscription to Wild Fibers has been renewed for two years. 

New Business: The meeting schedule for the upcoming year was discussed as it relates to the summer holidays.  Because of interference with Independence Day, we voted to not have a meeting in July.  We decided to have a meeting in September, but to move to the second Saturday to avoid Labor Day weekend.  Sharon told us about a phone call from an administrator of Camp Stone, a summer camp in Sugar Grove which hosts 600 young people from orthodox Jewish backgrounds.  The camp has an educational focus, and spinning, weaving and dyeing are expected to be included among the activities this year.  The administrator appears interested having us as lead related activities.  Sharon is hoping to meet with him, along with interested guild members, to find out more.  Taryn Barnett brought up the possibility of renting storage space for the guild library in the basement of @ the Bank since that was a consideration when we were looking for an alternate meeting place last year.  The building has the potential to host meetings.  Accessibility is a concern, however, since there is no functioning elevator at this time.   The Midwest Weavers’ Conference in Hancock, Michigan (July 23-25) was announced, along with information on the Jack Baker scholarship fund for weavers with less than five years of experience.  Taryn still has a few signed copies of “30 Knitted Globes for Christmas.”  Karen Frye updated us that Sigrid continues to struggle very slowly toward health.  Nancy Pena of Albion has three lambs for sale along with wool in several natural colors.  She is interested in coming to the Tuesday spin if anyone can offer a ride from her area. 

Show and Tell: Sharon brought out a stylish two-tone, felted hat with a rose accent felted from the same colors of wool.  Karen showed us a large knitting bag made in a fabric printed with sheep.  She also displayed a large quilt square with a beautiful snowman in a snow globe pattern made at a class she took at the Millcreek Sewing Center.  The best part is, all of the fabric came from her stash!  Mary Catherine Stack displayed a lacy collar-scarf she crocheted from a warm, fuzzy green yarn.  Taryn showed the beginning of a toe up sock she is knitting Portuguese style from four colors of Panda Silk, inspired by the Andean knitting recently featured in the SpinKnit! e-magazine. 

Respectfully submitted,
Marje Koehlert, Secretary


Minutes of the March 2011 NPSWG Meeting


Old Business: Linda Durnye called the meeting to order.  The minutes from the February 2011 meeting were not available.  There was further discussion on the difficulties we have had in getting all needed information into the Hub and getting it distributed to guild members.  A suggestion was made that someone start taking photos at the meetings to be included in the Hub, and Bonnie Crytzer volunteered.  Sue Spencer updated us on the bank accounts: the checking balance is $1548.94 and the savings balance is $3301.41, of which $1588 is designated for the Helen McCartney fund.   Donna Long cannot continue as the equipment person due to family health concerns, and Marje Koehlert volunteered to manage all except the floor loom, which Karen Fry stores.  We were updated that Sharon Hoban has not been able to meet the representative from Camp Stone yet. 

New Business:   A flier was passed for the Eastern Great Lakes Fiber Conference.  Barb Lodge offered a pattern for knitting helmet liners for men overseas as well as a guide for pricing your work.  Barb also announced an event at the Meadville Market House in conjunction with the Meadville Council on the Arts.  On the second Saturday of each month from May through September there will be displays from a variety of craftsmen.  Of particular interest to us, the May event will be fiber related and will include sheep shearing.  We are invited to demonstrate and/or sell items.  Karen Fry will collect items for sale; the May meeting will be the deadline for getting items to her. 

Show and Tell:  Linda announced that Andy Cooley bought the felted hat that Sharon Hoban showed last month.  Andy wore it to church where seven people expressed interest in having one just like it.  Sue Veverka visited a farm show with an Alpaca booth set up by the PA Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association.  Sue was able to watch the sheep-to-shawl demonstration and was very impressed with how quickly the work was done.  Judy Hanninen showed four yards of fulled plaid fabric started by Dave Belle and finished by Judy at Dave’s house.  Done in the earth tones Dave loved, it is being called the “Belle Tartan.”  Dave had wanted to make a vest of it.  Judy also updated us that Sigrid is still gradually improving from her health concerns.  Sue Spencer updated us that Ruth is up and running and is hoping to start a knitting group at the home.  Bonnie Crytzer updated us about the Great Lakes Fiber Show in Wooster, OH on May 28 and 29, and Roz Macken updated us about the Women’s Fiber Fest presented by the YWCA of Alliance, OH on March 13.  Karen Fry showed a fabric applique of a cat on a blue fleece top that she did using the method Nancy Asmus showed us at the February meeting. 

Respectfully submitted,
Marje Koehlert, Secretary


Minutes of the April 2011 NPSWG Meeting

Old Business: Sharon Hoban called the meeting to order.  The minutes from the February and March 2011 meetings were passed.  Sharon read a card from the Yolanda G. Barco Oncology Institute thanking us for the hats we donated.  Sue Spencer gave the treasurer’s report: the checking balance is $1538.94 and the savings balance is $3441.41, of which $1588 is designated for the Helen McCartney fund.  Those present were reminded that the fund is available to provide scholarships of up to half of the fee or $100 toward classes or workshops.  The fee for space at the Market House on the second Saturday in May has been paid.  We will need to be there from 8-4, and we can set up as early as 6:30 if we wish. 

Sharon and Karen Fry updated us on meeting with Yehuda Rothner of Camp Stone.  There will be two sessions of 350 students each, the first from June 20 to July 28 and the second from July 25 to August 22, with June 13 to 20 as an orientation week that we would need to attend.  During each of the sessions we are being asked to present three activities, one each on dyeing, spinning and weaving.  The expectation is that campers, who in groups of 14-16 would be cycled into each activity at least twice, would work on projects that they would be able finish and take home.  Activity sessions would be from mid-morning to early evening on Sunday through Thursday.  The theme is the French Medieval period, and costumes would be provided.  A local farmer will provide 10 sheep so the campers can see the process from beginning to end.  Yehuda is prepared to make any investment needed for materials, to pay the Guild for its involvement, and pay for up to two meals a day and possibly mileage.  Additionally, equipment purchased for the camp would be available to the guild for educational purposes when not needed for the camp.  The commitment would be very significant for us, and there is a pressing need for Sharon to know what each member will commit to so she can relay the information to Yehuda.  Because of the size of the project, Sharon will also bring the need to other area guilds. 

New Business:   Announcements were made for several upcoming events.  The third annual Southern Adirondack Fiber Festival will be September 24 and 25 in Greenwich, NY.  The Erie Heritage Festival will be September 10.  For space there, we need to register by May 18.  Allegheny Earth Day is April 29.  Jim Crytzer updated the guild flier; copies are available in the library.  Sue Spenser donated a copy of 30 Knitted Globes for Christmas, a book recently written by a member of the Mercer Guild, to our library. 

Show and Tell:  Barb Lodge noted that the plastic mesh bottomed trays often used for carrying seedlings are good to use when dyeing or washing wool.  She asked those who have extras to bring them to share.  Roz passed a pair of crocheted ear-flaps and a skein of wonderfully soft gray yarn spun from the fiber shed by the Satin/Angora cross “rescue rabbit” that her son and daughter-in-law adopted.  Last week they celebrated the one year anniversary of the adoption with a “Bunny Birthday Party!”  Marje Koehlert showed a pair of purple mittens knit from a dyed roving she got at the Maryland festival last year.  Elaine G. showed a prayer shawl she is knitting in heathered tan, blue and purple.  Sharon brought three felted hats, one maroon with a very deep maroon check around the brim, one teal with blue and tan accents, and one in a solid purple.  Antique wooden hat forms were used to display two of the hats.

Respectfully submitted,
Marje Koehlert, Secretary

Note from Sue Spencer

At our March meeting we decided that, as a Guild, we would participate in the May 14 Second Saturday Market at the Meadville Markethouse.

There will be a demo area with Karen Fry weaving and Barb Lodge spinning.  I know other folks said they would participate, but let Sue Spencer know for sure what you want to do.  Bonnie and Jim will be bringing their tent so I'm guessing Bonnie will stay to spin.

Bring items to sell, please.  A full table looks much nicer than an empty one.  Also bring your own business cards.  This will be a great location to make new contacts and find new customers. 
We will be located on the South side of the building and can set up as early at 6:30 am.  The Market runs from 8-4.  After dropping stuff off you must move your vehicle to the parking garage which is just on the other side of the building and over.  If you cannot come that day, bring your items to the April Guild meeting or get in touch with Sue Spencer, Karen Fry, and Barb Lodge.  We will work something out for you.

This will be fun!

Note from Elaine Fertig 

The date for spinning at the Crawford County Fair is August 24, a Wed.  We will be in the Home Ec. Area where the hand spun items will be displayed.  If you have a problem entering your items on the previous Fri or Sat. please let me know and I will enter them for you.

 We will be judging wool for spinning in the sheep barn after spinning.  Elaine

Judy holding cloth

 Judy Hanninen holding the bolt of plaid cloth for March meeting show & tell. 
The cloth was designed by Dave Bell. He dressed the loom and started the weaving 
then became too sick to finish so Judy finished the weaving and fulled the cloth. 
She then presented it to Dave’s widow who is going to have a jacket made with it.

Roz presenting workshop

Roz Presented a very interesting program on ‘Silk Cocoon Reeling’ Turning a silk cocoon
nto a fine strand suitable for embroidery, hand stitching, weaving, or use in combination with
other threads and fibers for a unique decorative yarn.

Donna's award gathering


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