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THE NORTHWEST PENNSYLVANIA SPINNERS AND WEAVERS GUILDSaturday, August 7, 2004, from 10:00 a.m. to ??
August ProgramThe August meeting will be a picnic at Sue Spencer's cottage in the woods. Please bring a covered dish to share with everyone. If you would like to put your warp on a loom bring the loom and warp, some paper to place between the warp, and some tie on thread. Someone will help you with your warp. Also if you would like to spin, bring your wheel and join in the fun. Sue has a pond if you would like to swim. It is always a fun-filled day. Meeting will be at 10am. New Officers will meet at 9:30am to organize. Directions: Contact Sue at forsuespencer@hotmail.com if you need directions, or see the print copy of The Hub. |
Treasurer’s report as of June 1st:
Library Report. We now have two new cabinets and Roz has re-organized everything. Books in one, magazines in the second, and miscellaneous in the third. Color dots on each book indicate on which shelf the book belongs. The library cards are filed in the file box alphabetically according to borrower's name. One of our best books, “The Weaving Book” by Helene Bress, is missing and there is no record of the borrower. Please check if you may have taken it without filling out the library card. Roz is also working on a master list which will eventually be on our web page.
New Officers: President--Donna Wellman; Vice-President--Chris McCormick; Treasurers--Ilene Elliston & Bonnie Crytzer; Secretary--Barb Lodge; Hub Editor--Bonnie Crytzer; Public Relations--Pat Retchloff; Equipment Rental--Donna Wellman.
McKeever Retreat. Only 22 people have made reservations--40 are needed to cover the costs. If you can attend, please call Donna Wellman.
It was approved to send a $25 donation to the Home Textile Tool Museum. Sigrid spoke of the value of supporting this museum.
Waterford’s Heritage Days. Chris will warp the loom. Jill will weave. July 17th the guild will demonstrate a Fleece to Shawl at Waterford’s Heritage Days.
Tuesday Spin in August will be in the Home Show Bldg., Crawford Co. Fairgrounds. Tuesday spinners will spin at the sheep meet, Warren Co. Fairgrounds, September 25th.
Butler Co. Spinners invites us to a friendly competition August 18th at Susan Lightner's in Harrisville. Cost is $6/person to cover expenses and provide prizes.
Sigrid will be at Border's in Millcreek Mall weaving and signing her book. September18th.
The August meeting will be a potluck picnic at Sue Spencer's. Ann is still spinning the dog hair project.
Next year is our 25th anniversary and we need to think of some ways to celebrate.
There was discussion regarding payments to members who present programs. A demonstration is paid $25; and a "hands on" presenter is paid $50.
July 17th there will be a fleece to shawl demonstration at Waterford’s Heritage Days. If you want to get a parking spot come early. We will begin spinning at 10am. Everyone is welcome to come and spin. I believe the parade starts at 9am so town is very busy.
October will be dye day at Donna Wellman's House. Keep this in mind if you want to gather all those wild colors from nature. If you need help making your dye we have a great book in the library called “Wild Colors”. (Thank you Roz for organizing the new library. It is so nice to see all the books.) We can dye any thing you would like to. There is a small amount of indigo and maybe some alkanet left if someone is interested in mixing it up. Please think about what you would like to dye and prepare it early for October. Get ready for winter spinning, weaving and knitting.
This will be the last newsletter before the Retreat at McKeever on August 13, 14, 15, 2004. Patsy Zawistoski "The Hand Spinnin Guru" will be our guest. She is an excellent teacher and I am sure that it will be a fun time and a great learning experience. We still have many slots available. Please sign up now. Tell all your friends. All the information is located on the guild website. The retreat is priced so that all can experience a great teacher of spinning. If you have signed up please send your final payment. Due June 1, 2004. Letters welcoming you and telling you what to bring will be sent soon.
Tuesday spinners will meet at the Crawford County fair grounds on August 24th in lieu of their regular August meeting. Come at 10:00 A.M. or anytime and stay all day at the fair. Just tell them you are spinning in the Home Show Building and there will be no charge to get into the fair. Come to the back gate, it is the best place to enter the fair for spinning.
Wednesday August 25, 2004, we will be doing a demo and judging fleeces in the sheep barn. If you would like to participate email Donna at sewsew@velocity.net. We will be judging fleece at 5pm in the sheep barn. Spinning and demo will be after the shearing is done. See you there.
Thank you to all the outgoing officers. They have done a great job for the last 2 years. Thank you Sue, Ann, Bonnie, Barb, Maggie, Kate. Thank you for nominating me and electing me as your new president. I hope to do as good job for you.
-Donna Wellman
Below is a list of books that seam to be missing from the library. If all members would please look around for these library books and if found get them to me.
- Thank you, Roz
Crockett, Tablet Weaving L. Voiers, Paddle Warping A. Field, The Ashford book of Spinning S. Vinroot & J. Crowder, The New Dyer C. Garrett, Warping all by Yourself Tidball, The Weaver's Book Carol Kurtz, Designing for Weaving Malin Selander, Weave-A-Weave Linda Ligon, ed., Homespun, Handknit Elsie Regenstiener, The Art of Weaving J. A. Ronin, Spinning from the First Ten Years of Shuttle, Spindle, Dyepot
My author signing is on Sat., Sept 18th at Borders in Erie, at the Millcreek Mall. I expect to set up about 10am and fold about 3:30. (Times could change yet but not the day/date.) I plan to bring a Baby Wolf loom to weave on. If anyone wants to bring spinning wheels, that's great! If so, can they let me know in advance? (Still planning another signing for Fall in Pittsburgh, perhaps at one of the Waldons.)
For those who have bought my book, they may want to print out additional materials which enhance the book. Go to my website at www.artsstudio.org click on the link button on the left "Book Magic". Once on that page, scroll down to "For Book Owners". There are 3 underlined items below that will take you to each of these 3 web pages: Magic Index, Magic Resources, Magic Chapters. You can "Print this Page" in PDF, each, and put it with your book.
From: "MARY CHANDLER" dollyllamas@msn.com, Subject: alpaca fleeces
I am looking for someone who may be able to help me. I have 7 raw alpaca
fleeces collected from our two alpacas in the last 4 years. My husband
wants an Alaskan sweater and so I am looking for someone who will make
one in exchange for the fleeces. Do you know anyone who can help us?
Sincerely, Mary Chandler
From: "seg" sjunk@zoominternet.net, Subject: Leclerc Loom
I have a Leclerc Colonial Loom with all sorts of reeds, etc. approximately
10 yrs old that I am looking to sell. I haven’t woven since we moved
to the Pittsburgh area (8 yrs) and am interested in selling it. Does your
guild have a method for disseminating such information?
Thank you
From: "Weatherbury Farm Vacation" info@weatherburyfarm.com Subject: Sheep Fest 2004.
Just wanted to let you know that we will once again be having our fiber festival (http://www.weatherburyfarm.com/SheepFest.htm ) here at Weatherbury Farm in Avella on July 31 and August 1, 2004. Hope you'll be able to join us! Regards, Marcy Tudor
From: Bonnie Crytzer stumphillacres@usachoice.net
For Sale: Romney Sheep, four ewes, and three lambs. Natural colored and white. All are or can be registered with ARBA.
July 17th – Waterford’s Heritage Days, Fleece to Shawl Demonstration from 10:00A.M. to 5:00P.M.
July 20th – Tuesday’s “Joyous Hands Spinning Group”, 10:00A.M. to 2:00P.M.
August 7th – Annual Guild Picnic at the Spencer Estate, 10:00A.M to done
August 13th, 14th, & 15th – McKeever Retreat with Patsy Zawistoski
August 18th – Butler County Spinners Competition at Susan Lightner’s in Harrisville
August 24th – Crawford County Fair, Spinning Demonstration at Home Show Bldg., 10:00A.M. until over
August 25th – Crawford County Fair, Fleece Judging and Spinning Demonstration in Sheep Barn at 5:00P.M.
September 4th – Guild Program Meeting, “Blending and Spinning Exotic Fibers” at 10:00A.M. to 2:00P.M.
September 18th – Book Signing by Sigrid in Borders at Millcreek Mall 10:00A.M. to 3:30P.M.
September 25th – Warren County Fairgrounds, Tuesday Spinners will demonstrate their craft
October 2nd – Dye Day at Donna Wellman’s from 10:00A.M. to 2:00P.M.
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