THE NORTHWEST PENNSYLVANIA SPINNERS AND WEAVERS GUILDSaturday, August 6, 2005, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 pm
July ProgramWe will be demonstrating at the historic Baldwin Reynolds House on Terrace St. in Meadville on Saturday, July 2nd from 11a.m. to 4p.m. Bring a lunch, chair, items to sell at the guild table, and something to work on -- wheel, spindle, inkle loom, lucet, etc. We will be outside if the weather is nice, inside if not. You may dress in 1830-40s costume if you wish, but it is not required. Vehicles will not be permitted through the main gate at the front, so use Lord St. to enter from the rear. There is limited on-street parking on Lord and neighboring streets. We will try to have someone curbside to help unload. If no space is available there, you may park in the plaza lot across from the front of the building. August ProgramThe August meeting will be a picnic at Sue and Larry Spencer's cottage in the woods. Please bring a covered dish to share with everyone. If you would like to spin, bring your wheel and join in the fun. Sue has a pond if you would like to swim. It is always a fun-filled day. Bring your family and friends. Officers will meet at 9:30am for business and to organize. The program following this meeting will be Barb Lodge talking on her trip to Convergence. Contact Sue at if you need directions. |
July 2nd NWPSWG Meeting and Demonstration at The Baldwin/Reynolds House in Meadville, PA, 11 am - 4 pm.
July 6th thru 10th Fiber Arts Conference at University of Pittsburgh in Johnstown, PA
July 11th thru 17th MAFA 2005 Leesburg, Virginia
July 16th Waterford Heritage Days Demonstration, 10 am - 4 pm.
July 19th NWPSWG Tuesday Spinning at Christ Church 10:00A.M. to-2:00P.M.
August 6th NWPSWG Business/Program Meeting at The Spencer's Farm 9:30A.M. to 2:00P.M
August 21st Erie Days 12:00P.M. to 5:00P.M. at the Boston Store
August 23rd Demonstrating at the Crawford County Fair from 10:00A.M. to 2:00P.M. in the Home Economics Barn (in lieu of the regular Tuesday spin)
August 24th Fleece judging at the Crawford County Fair Sheep Barn at 5:00P.M. with spinning demo all day
September 3rd NWPSWG Program Meeting at Christ Church 10:00A.M. to 2:00P.M Socks and Spinning
September 20th NWPSWG Tuesday Spinning at Christ Church 10:00A.M. to-2:00P.M.
September 24th Sheep and Wool Family Field Day at Waterford Fairgrounds. NWPSWG will demonstrate their crafts
October 8th thru10th: “Eastern Great Lakes Fiber Conference” at Chautauqua Institution, New York
The meeting began with a program by Pam Marburger. Pam has been entering the Make-it-with-Wool contest since 1996, and her daughter has also entered the contest 7 times. Pam gave a very interesting talk about her experiences, answered questions, and displayed her beautiful and beautifully constructed outfits.
President Donna is still ill, and her father has died. Bonnie conducted the meeting and passed around a sympathy card for Donna.
Business Meeting: Treasurer reports a checking account balance of $847.24 and a savings balance of $2522.76. The minutes to the last meeting were approved as posted.
By-laws. The updated version was presented for a vote and was passed unanimously.
25th Anniversary Report. Donna received 10 suggestions all for dinner at one restaurant. Sue Spencer, Ruth Walker-Daniels, and Vicki volunteered to help Donna organize the event for October 1st.
Guild Award. Roz was nominated and elected to receive the 2005 award. Sue will deal with the framing--also for Bonnie's 2004 award.
Sue Spencer was nominated to be Guild Representative to the Sheep and Wool Growers. They are having an event September 24th at the Waterford Fairgrounds. Shall we do a demo or a contest, Kool-aide dyeing, felt balls, skein competition, popular choice??? Karen Fry will weave, Roz, Bonnie, and Sue will spin.
July 2nd spinning at Baldwin-Reynolds House--inside if it rains. July 16th Waterford Days 4:00p.m. (spinners needed). HGA requests a $100 donation--declined. Home Textile Tool Museum--donated $25. August 6th picnic at Sue's is a family event.
Karen Fry suggested we buy a new tent. Her tent, which we have been using for our demos, is coming apart. Karen and Bonnie will check prices and options. It was also suggested that we make a yurt and forget the tent.
Summer is finally here. Drag out all those fleeces that you promised to wash all winter and lets get busy. Lay them out in the yard on a towel or blanket and the sun will make them beautiful. Bring out the carders and card in the sunshine. Dig out the dye pots and get some color in your life. If you have fleeces that you won't be using think about donating them to the guild for the sheep to shawl. Bonnie has always supplied the fleeces, but has sold all of her sheep. Would anyone be interested in combining fleeces to send off to the mill to be processed, roving, batts, yarn are all possibilities to think about.
Thanks to everyone for the cards and letters during my illness. I am feeling better everyday and hoping that soon I will feel like my old self. I am looking forward to demonstrating this summer. If you like us to demonstrate in your community let us know so that we can make arrangements. Let’s get the public interested in our craft.
Get ready to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the guild. If you know of anyone interested in attending the celebration let me know so that I can send him or her an invitation. We would like to see as many new and old members as possible.
Congratulations to Roz on the guild award. Roz donates so much of her time and energy to the guild. Thank you Roz.
Thanks to Karen for warping the loom and all the spinners that created the beautiful shawl at Edinboro. Thanks to Bonnie for the beautiful fleece. I heard you didn't get wet and cold this year. See you at the Baldwin Reynolds House in July.
It is with great sadness that I’m reporting, Ken Verres, the father of our President Donna Wellman, has died. Our sincere and deepest sympathies are given to her and her family.
Ann Sheffield announced a program by Allegheny College. If you have a home built before 1978 and have children aged six or younger they may be exposed to lead. Have your home tested free. Contact David Cass or Evan Sheppard at (814) 332-2715 or email
October 1st will be our Anniversary Luncheon and meeting at The Riverside Inn at Cambridge Springs. Tentative plans are for a lunch of soup, salad, sandwiches, beverage, and dessert for approximately $11.50. The guild meeting/program will follow. In preparation for this we would like to collect, at the August or September meeting, items for a container auction. Plan on bringing one item that you especially love or are proud of for a show and tell program. More festivity specifics in next Hub.
I would like to start a new column in the HUB that will consist of an article written by members of the guild at large. These articles could be on any subject that would be of interest to people loving the fiber arts. Color pictures maybe included, sized no bigger than the ones in this Hub. The articles should be approximately 500 words long and each included picture subtracts about 100 words. If you would like to contribute an article, contact the Hub Editor.
For sale: Stewart/Oster 3 inch electric sheep shears. Used very little. In real good condition. $175.00 OBO. Contact Donna Long at
Wanted: Drum Carder. Audrey and Chuck Toms are looking for a drum carder to buy. If you can help contact them at (814) 967-2200 or (800) 609-6757
Wanted. Helen McCartney Wool. Elizabeth Jennings is looking to obtain some of this wool to make some warp for a project. If you can help her email at
Nancy Allio, Cooperstown, PA. Please see membership directory for contact information for Nancy.
Come spin with Audrey and Chuck Toms July 15th and 16th from 12:00p.m. to ? at the grade school in Townville. If you are interested call the Toms at (814) 967-2200 for more information.
The Winner's Are:
Bobbie's Workshop:
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