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"The HUB" Vol. XXVI, No.3
Bimonthly newsletter of May - June 2005


Saturday, June 4, 2005, from 10:00 a.m. to 2 pm
Christ Episcopal Church, Diamond Park, Meadville, PA

May Program

There will be no meeting the first Saturday in May.

June Program

We will have Pam Marberger give a presentation on the "make it with wool" contest, how to enter and she will show items that she has entered in the past.

Since that will only be about 45 minutes or less the second half of the meeting will be a "Round robin" spinning wheel experience. If each person will bring their spinning wheel we will take turns using everyone's wheel to see the difference in them. Bring your own fiber.

Calendar of Events

May 7th Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival (No Guild sponsored bus trip for 2005 and no regular guild meeting)

May 17th NWPSWG Tuesday Spinning at Christ Church 10:00A.M. to-2:00 PM

May 21st Edinboro Highland Games Fleece to Shawl Demonstration

June 4th NWPSWG Business/Program Meeting at Christ Church 10:00A.M. to 2:00P.M

June 8th Butler Spin-In at Butler Memorial Park 10:00A.M. to 2:00P.M.

June 12th thru 18th: Midwest Weaver’s Conference 2005 at Lakeland College, Sheboygan, Wisconsin

June 21st NWPSWG Tuesday Spinning at Christ Church 10:00A.M. to-2:00P.M.

July 2nd NWPSWG Meeting and Demonstration at The Baldwin/Reynolds House in Meadville, PA

July 6th thru 10th Fiber Arts Conference at University of Pittsburgh in Johnstown, PA

July 11th thru 17th MAFA 2005 Leesburg, Virginia

July 16th Waterford Heritage Days Demonstration

October 8th thru10th: “Eastern Great Lakes Fiber Conference” at Chautauqua Institution, New York

Minutes of the April Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Donna Wellman at 10:20 AM. The minutes to the last meeting were approved as posted. The treasure’s report is $921.27 in the checking account, $2522.76 in the savings account for a total of $3444.03. This includes the McCartney scholarship fund.

The by-laws have been amended. A copy will be mailed to each member and voted on at the next meeting

Old Business: Matilda Murphy explained her proposed weaving workshop. If anyone is interested in working with Matilda on this let her know.

New Business: Donna brought up the up coming events and they will be posted on the calendar of upcoming events. The 10% guild sales fee was discussed and decided to be for outside events and not at regular guild meetings at the church. Bonnie is going to talk to Tim about our placement at the Highland Games. Donna felt we need a signed contract for guild workshops. This would state everything in writing and avoid confusion. We have not been able to rent our equipment so it was voted on to go back to the old rate. The loom is $12.00 a month and all other equipment is $6.00 a month. There will be a late fee if not returned on time.

We had a very good show and tell. I’m sorry I didn’t take notes. I was too busy looking at all the nice things. We have some very talented people.

On April 30th we will be dyeing the fiber for The Great Sock Challenge. Those doing their fiber bring: rubber gloves, plastic cups, plastic wrap, an oven cooking bag, foam brush, cool whip bowls, Kool-Aid in assorted colors of your choice (multiple packs of each color), and C-clamps if you have them. All are welcome to work or watch. This is a new process Donna has worked on. We are the guinea pigs.

On June 8th the Butler Spin-In bring your wheel, loom, knitting needles, etc. Drinks will be provided.

On July 2nd at the Baldwin Reynolds House we can sell items. You can spin, weave, knit or what ever you would like to do. You may dress in costume. Time is 10am till ? We need to supply our own table and chairs.

On May 21st at the Highland Games we will be behind the field house and the space will be marked. We can set up Friday. Please bring your chair and wheel with extra bobbins. We can also sell items.

Notes from the President

With summer soon approaching it is time to think about our outdoor demonstrating. We will begin in May with the “Edinboro Highland Games”. May 21, 2005, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. Be sure to dress in layers, as at times we have had snow or 90-degree weather. A small piece of plywood for under your wheel will help keep it out of the wet. It is a fun time for all.

July 2, 2005 we will be spinning at the “Baldwin Reynolds House”. If you want to dress in period costume for the occasion they would love you to do so. If not come as you are. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

July 16, 2005 we will be spinning at the ‘Waterford Heritage Days”. 10:00 a.m. to ?.

If you know of something happening in your area and would like for the guild to spin or weave let me know so that all of the arrangements can be made.

I think that we need to do more demonstrating so that we may educate the public on the fine arts that we so love doing. We all have such a great time. Please put the dates on your calendar so that you may join in the fun. As always the guild will have a sale table at all demonstrations. There is a 10% fee to the guild for selling on the table.

If you signed that you wanted to be on the planning committee for the 25th anniversary please meet after the guild meeting in June. We will need to get this ready for August.

Voting will take place on the revisions of our “By-laws”. Please bring all your questions and the committee will try to answer them before we vote. The committee, Roz, Bonnie, and Sue, have done a great job. Thank you.

I hope that everyone is very busy spinning your sock yarn in preparation for dyeing on April 30, 2005, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m. If you have not received the list of things to bring call or email me and I will send them to you. Everyone is welcome as this is a new dyeing experience just being developed. If you don't have sock yarn to dye, bring something to paint, that has been soaked over night and spun out to be just damp, along with the list of supplies. Everyone is responsible to bring their own equipment. I will furnish the warping frames, the medium, the vinegar and the Clorox to clean up.

It is nice to see our snowbirds home from the south. We have all missed them.

A big thank you to Dorothy for auditing our books. Bonnie and Jim do such a great job. They were in perfect order as always. Thanks to all.

Thank you to Sue for such a great program last meeting. It was so interesting to learn about your trip to SOAR. Sue had received a scholarship from the guild to attend.

Barb will also present a program to the guild for her scholarship.

Don't forget that scholarship moneys are available to all guild members for special events or classes. See Barb Lodge for a form and requirements.

Ponchos are back in style. You still have them from the 70's don't you. Dig out all your designer works and bring them for show and tell.

See you in June Happy spinning, knitting and weaving. Donna

In Sympathy

The guild would like to extend condolences to Barbara Hauck on the death of her husband.

Classified Section

For Sale: 60 inch jack loom, 4 harnesses but can go to 8, 6 on the loom but only 4 have heddles, 2 reeds one 5.75 and one 10 , and 10 treadles. $500.00/OBO. Contact Donna Long at

Remember When?

At Two Mile Run:

At Cook Forest:

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